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Aluminum plate presentation

First, the aluminum plate production specification 1 Introduction: With the development of electronic technology and progress, electronic products to light, thin, small, personalized, high reliability, multi-technology has become an inevitable trend. Aluminum plate conform to this trend and the birth of the products with excellent heat resistance, machinability, dimensional stability and electrical performance in hybrid integrated circuits, automotive, office automation, high-power electrical equipment, power equipment and other fields has been widely used in recent years, . Aluminum clad 1969 first invented by the Japanese company Sanyo, China in 1988 and production started to develop, Enda from 2000 began the development and mass production, mass production in order to meet steady quality production, especially fiction were produced this specification. 2. Scope: The specification for the production of copper clad aluminum production are introduced and explained the whole process to ensure that this board in our smooth production. 3 Process: a material → drilling → ​​dry film imaging plate → Etching → → Inspection → Inspection eclipse green oil → character → green → inspection → spray tin punch plate aluminum surface treatment → → → Packaging → ​​shipments final inspection 4 Note: 4.1 aluminum plate material is expensive, the production process should pay particular attention to the normative operation, because they do not put an end to regulate the operation which led to retirement phenomenon. 4.2 Operation of the process operator must gently, so as not to rub the surface of the aluminum plate surface and flowers. 4.3 The process operator should try to avoid touching the effective area of ​​the aluminum plate inside, HAL and subsequent processes will only be allowed when the holding plate holding plate edge, prohibited direct finger touch plate. 4.4 aluminum plate is a special plate, its production processes in various districts should attract attention, section chief, foreman personally quality control to ensure the smooth plate in various production processes.

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