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Design specifications

1.0 Objective: Develop Flex PCB flex circuit design guidelines provide for its design specifications to ensure product quality and meet customer requirements. 2.0 Scope: Suitable for Flex PCB board production among soft. 3.0 Material Type Definition: 3.1 RF - Flex PCB

LPI - inner wet film coating 3.3 DES - developing / etching / stripping 3.4
  SES - Stripping / etching / stripping 4.0 Process Specification: 4.1
Inner line Lu Feilin production specification: 4.1.1 inner film board edge chamfer required R = 5mm, to prevent roll angle in the wet process card board; PE punching board edge at the need to retain copper, increase strength, prevent lamination Bonding sets PIN, hole collapse, wreaking deviation.

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