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Soft board basis

First, the advantages and disadvantages of a flexible PCB classification. Flexible PCB Flexible PCB classification is usually based conductor layers and structures classified as follows: 1.1 Single sided soft flexible PCB PCB, only one layer of the conductor, the surface can be covered with a covering layer or layers not. The insulating base material used, with the different products and different applications. Insulating materials commonly used polyester, polyimide, polytetrafluoroethylene, soft epoxy - glass cloth. Soft sided PCB can be further divided the following four categories: 1) No covering layer flexible PCB side connection conductor pattern of such insulating substrate, conductor surface without covering layer. As often as single-sided rigid PCB. These products are the cheapest one, are often used in non-vital and have environmental applications. Its interconnect is used for soldering, welding or bonding to achieve. It is commonly used in the early telephone

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